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Simon Sinek Quote
Chris Voss Quote

How Got Started

Maybe you and I have something in common. You’re dedicated and devoted to your business – probably too much.

Despite your hard work and long hours, you find yourself feeling overwhelmed and under-fulfilled. Isn’t there more?

You need a change, a purpose, a higher calling. Yet, the day-to-day grind of running a business continues getting in the way, and your efforts to change fail.


1). Is your focus on success? Maybe that’s the wrong goal. Success can be selfish – what Sen. Glenn called ‘own-self interest’. The objective needs to be collaborative, compelling and impactful.

Let’s call that objective significance.

2). Simply wanting to change is not enough. Change requires a ‘how’.

And that how must be relevant to you and your business.

3). Change is a process and not an event. It happens gradually and over time, and starts with ‘seeing’ what must change.

I know.

Thirty-five years in business, including 15 as a small business owner with my wife, Debbie, yielded a sustainable business – annual sales growth, numerous awards, and to outsiders, a successful enterprise.

All nice, but not enough. Debbie and I talked about making changes.

I talked about getting bigger. She talked about getting better. I talked about making profits. She talked about making a difference. I talked about improving our lives. She talked about improving the lives of others. As I look back I see my focus was on success. Her focus was on significance. And that is what we set out to achieve.

So I researched how to change a business and discussed the findings with my wife. Our dialogue yielded a visual model to help us transition from what we could do for our business to what the business can do for others.

Debbie unexpectedly passed away, propelling me to take stock of my life, business and legacy -- a legacy for my family and my community.

As a tribute to my wife, my mission is to apply our model’s principles to my own business, and to share them with others interested in a fresh start to their business.

If your business, Chamber of Commerce, business group or service club is interested in making a greater impact through significance, I would love an opportunity to share my model, findings and strategies with you.

Please contact me by sending me an email to, calling me at 216.409.1610 or filling out the form below.
I’m looking forward to speaking with you.


Get started on your quest for significance.

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